Click Effects
Click Effects - User Manual

In-Game Operation (GPU workflow)


Up to this point in the User Guide, the setup and preparation for using the GPU Workflow have been discussed. In this chapter, the In-Game Operations will be explained. The first step is to engage Player mode, which is the default mode when you launch the workflow. In Player Mode the Click Effects PRIME GPU Workflow displays the Player Interface at the top section of your screen. The Player Interface contains one or more Board Control widgets (that provide control over individual playback of LED boards), indicators, and global transport controls.


This section of the User Guide also applies to the GPU Board tabs of the Event Workflow.

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The Player Interface consists of the following elements:

  • Board Control Widgets
  • Global Controls and Indicators
  • Data Control Tools and Indicators

For each Video Board set up in the GPU Workflow, a Board Control Widget will appear in the Player Interface.

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Board Name


Output Preview Window


Play Default Media Button


Output Preview Zoom


Media Element Control


Board Stop Button


Expand Preview/Program ControlsΒ 


Program/Preview Selector


Timecode and Progress Bar

1.0 - Basics

Transport Controls is a generic term for controls that affect the state of media in the system. Transport Controls affecting video are TRANS, STOP and DEFAULT.

There are two locations of Transport Controls in each Board Control Widget:

  • On the main Board Control Widget interface
  • On each media element control interface

2.0 - Video Board Control Widget Transport Controls

There are two Board Control Widget Transport Controls

  • STOP
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When you click STOP, all media on this specific Board are stopped. If the media are already in a stopped state it will fade to black.

When you click DEFAULT, the Board’s default media button plays. To assign a DEFAULT media button to a Board, right-click in the Board Control Widget program window and select DEFAULT MEDIA. The GPU Workflow automatically switches to Organizer Mode so that you can select a Media Button from the Media Page and drag it onto the Default Media Assignment window.

3.0 - Media Element Transport Controls

Each individual media element in Preview or Program can be controlled using its individual Media Element Control Widget. Depending on the state (Preview or Program) the following transport controls will be available:

  • STOP

The video output of each Board contains multiple layers. The bottom layer is the Video Playback layer. The top layer is the Graphics layer.

Within the Graphics layer of the output, there is a possibility for countless individual layers of graphics objects. When you have composed a Bug, Full Screen Graphic or Overlay using the Graphics Editor. these graphics objects are then saved to a media button, and whenever you play one or multiple media buttons of any of the graphics behaviors you literally add layer upon layer to the Graphics layer of the output.

Depending on what behavior was selected for a graphic, the graphic will remain on the output of the Board until a specific event happens. Below is an overview of the graphics media types.

Media Type



A Bug is that it stays in Program until it is sent a stop command from a stop button. A typical example of a bug is the station marker on broadcast TV.


An Overlay is that it attaches itself to a Video, Still or Full Screen Graphic that is in Program. The Overlay disappears as soon as the associated Video is stopped.

Full Screen Graphic

A Full Screen Graphic acts much like a Still. It displaces Video, Stills or Full Screen Graphics when moved to Program.

The Video Program Window shows a preview of the output generated by the GPU Workflow. This view has been reduced to only a few frames per second to save system resources.

When a video is actively playing, the Board Control Widget indicates the length of time remaining. The green timecode label displays time remaining, along with a green progress bar indicator. When a STILL is currently in Program, the timecode label displays STILL.

When a video Playlist is actively playing, the Board Control Widget indicates the length of time remaining in the Playlist. A red timecode label appears along with a red progress bar indicator.

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To control overall playback on the GPU Workflow, the following Global Transport Controls are available:


4.0 - Trans All

The TRANS ALL button will take all media that is currently in Preview on all Boards. This is the same as clicking each individual TRANS button for each element in Preview, however the TRANS ALL button ensures all elements are taken to Program at exactly the same time.

5.0 - Stop All

The STOP ALL button will stop all media on all Boards. Depending on what option has been selected in the Player Settings the following will happen:

  • If Stop-to-Black has been enabled, all media will fade to black
  • If Stop-to-Black has been disabled, media will first stop if it is in a playing state. The second click on the STOP ALL button will cause the media to fade to black

6.0 - Central Time of Day Clock Display

The Clock in the top-center can be changed from 12 to 24-hour format by double clicking. This does not change the format of any Clock Objects in graphics buttons.

7.0 - Isolated ModeΒ 

This icon controls the system’s response to REMOTE commands.Β 

  • When the button is gray, then Isolated Mode is active.

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  • When the button is blue, then Isolated Mode is not active.

This GPU Workflow system ignores all Remote calls during this time, both from other machines and from itself. This prevents the Workflow from responding to an accidental or unwanted Remote call. An example is a marquee system that is independent from an event system.

The Data indicator light shows the connection state of data plug-ins loaded on the GPU Workflow system.

  • Solid Green indicates valid data source connection with no issues.
  • Black indicates that no data sources are set up.
  • Red indicates that at least one data source has an error.

In addition, the indicator light is a button that will open the Data Editor, and the other button in this area is the Data Controllers button which opens the Data Controllers Picker.