Chyron LIVE
LIVE - Startup Guide

Step 1 - Connect Inputs


Connect Inputs

Now that you're logged in, let’s begin by connecting your video input(s). LIVE can support up to six CAMS, each with its own configuration.

Open the Settings screen by clinking on the Settings button at the bottom of the Navigation Bar (on the right-hand side).

  1. Select the Input tab, near the top of the Configuration dialog screen.
  2. Input section contains six CAMS, and right-hand section is the configuration for each CAM.
  3. Click on CAM1, then choose desired configuration for CAM1.
  4. Enter the Inbound Port number.
  5. Click the Type dropdown menu to select one of the below types:
    • SRT (Listener) - Secure Reliable Transport, and is an open-source video transport protocol and technology stack. SRT uses secure streams and easy firewall traversal to optimize streaming performance and deliver high-quality video over even the most unreliable networks.
    • RTP - Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a network standard designed for transmitting audio or video data that is optimized for consistent delivery of live data.
    • SRT Caller - Live output calls the device.
    • Zixi (Push) & (Pull) - Zixi pushΒ uses the Zixi protocol to send content to a receiver that has a static, publicly addressable IP address. Use this option when the receiver is not behind a firewall or NAT-based router.
    • RIST - Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) is an open-source, open specification transport protocol designed for reliable transmission of video and audio over lossy networks (including the internet) with low latency and high quality.
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The following fields are typically required:

  1. Inbound IP - automatically filled by LIVE, the inbound IP is the address that the input stream needs to be sent to (from the camera or upstream encoder)
  2. Inbound Port - user defined port to route the input stream

Additional (non-mandatory) fields are also provided for advanced users including:

  1. Minimum Latency - to define the expected latency of the input stream (if known)
  2. Expected Bit Rate - to help provision the appropriate decoder within LIVE
  3. CIDR allow list - to configured an IP whitelist
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Once all the appropriate fields are filled:

  1. Click the Apply button to validate the configuration.Β 
  2. Use the return button (left-pointing triangle icon) to go back to the Input summary.

Congrats!! You’re all done with connecting your first video input. When you're ready to add another one, just select another input in the list and repeat the same steps.